For my masters degree in city and regional planning, I researched the experiences of a group of people in Berlin who collectively purchased their previously squatted apartment building and turned it into a housing cooperative. My research examined the tensions between their external anti-gentrification work in their neighborhood, and their internal work of fixing up their home -- they completed repairs in early 2002, after several years of hard labor. Pictured is a photo from the collective's archives, documenting their work repairing their roof in the spring of 2000.
For my masters degree in city and regional planning, I researched the experiences of a group of people in Berlin who collectively purchased their previously squatted apartment building and turned it into a housing cooperative. My research examined the tensions between their external anti-gentrification work in their neighborhood, and their internal work of fixing up their home -- they completed repairs in early 2002, after several years of hard labor. Pictured is a photo from the collective's archives, documenting their work repairing their roof in the spring of 2000.